- RELEASE DATE /9 September 2013
Production Notes
Shorthand Phonetics is Ababil Ashari (Vox, Guitar, Bass, Programming)
Track by A. Ashari
Cover Art modified from a photograph entitled “Aftermath” by Anthony Lui
Photograph are used under the Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
Produced, mixed and mastered by Ababil Ashari
Recorded at G1/22 Studios, Cibitung, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia in on 06 September 2013.
Dedicated to Early Era Party Poison.
Copyleft 2013 Tsefula/Tsefuelha Records
Liner Notes
Shorthand Phonetics once again releasing another smash hit single titled “The Aftermath is Secondary Something Very Romantic About It”, dedicated to early era Party Poison. This single represents a retrospective Hanabishi Hideaki wrote about a recently broken up band for a local music webzine. Loud-soft dynamic and tranquill breakdown part will left your mind in awe…