- RELEASE DATE /17 Agustus 2011
Production Notes
Copyleft 2011 Tsefula/Tsefuelha Records
Shorthand Phonetics is Ababil Ashari (vox, guitar, bass, programming)
track 1 by A. Ashari / T. Teravainen, track 2 by A. Ashari / J. Steele and track 3 by A. Ashari / V.L. Hidajat
Cover art and booklet art was modified from a photograph entitled “St. Louis City Museum” by Ran Yaniv Hartstein
Photographs is used under the Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons Lisence (CC BY 2.0)
Produced, mixed and mastered by Ababil Ashari
Recorded at Third Floor First Room Studios, Pasteur, Banding, Jawa Barat, Indonesia to a 2007 Hewlett-Packard Presario V3500 through a Labtec webcam mic in the month of July 2011.
Liner Notes
“Hide’s American Sabbatical: a primer to shorthand phonetics’ Cantata no. 6” is the prequel EP to Shorthand Phonetics’ 2011 album “Cantata no. 6 (Assistants of Assistants) in Varying Keys, Op. 25 for Three Electric Guitars, One Bass Guitar, One Drum Kit, One Tenor and Additional Voices Where Appropriate”
This EP is a representation of Hanabishi Hideaki’s electronic correspondence with Fujioka Tsubasa and Tachibana Miyuki during his year-long sabbatical from medicine. This EP covers the year within the universe between album 5 “thirty-four minutes with hide and tsubasa” (2010) and album 6 “Cantata no. 6 (Assistants of Assistants) in Varying Keys, Op. 25 for Three Electric Guitars, One Bass Guitar, One Drum Kit, One Tenor and Additional Voices Where Appropriate” (2011).
This EP was exclusively recorded to a Helwett-Packard V3500 with Sonar 7 and FL Studio 7 software through a Labtec webcam mic in the fourth week of July 2011
(Ababil Ashari)