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Hymn For A Friend In The Sky
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01. Hymn For A Friend In The Sky
Live In YK |
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J. Irwin (bangkutaman, Johnny & The Pistol Heroes) menggabungkan chord blues-nya dengan nada-nada pop yang terdengar sangat tenang dan mengalun seiring dengan story telling lyrics yang dinyanyikannya. Lagu Hymn For A Friend in the Sky terdengar seperti John Squire yang meminjam suara Ian Brown sambil memainkan chord blues rock khas Led Zeppelin. Pada lagu berikutnya ia lebih mencoba memperlihatkan karakter suara dan lagunya yang asli, suatu testimony siapakah ia sebenarnya. 2 track yang ada membawa pendengarnya mengerti, siapakah J Irwin dan apa yang ada di hatinya berikut dengan selera musik yang ia bawakan.
(bagus jalang)
Producer : J. Irwin
Songwriter: J. Irwin
Photographer: “magz”
Cover designer: Irwin & Wok the Rock
All songs were recorded, mixed, and mastered by J. Irwin, between August – October 2007 at Townside Studio
Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, and Drums tracking were done by J. Irwin
Rilisan ini menggunakan lisensi dari Creative Common License dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Special thanks to:
Bayu (the monophones)
Gober (the produk gagal)
Nugie (no it all)

J. Irwin’s Short History
J. Irwin is an Indonesian guitar player with a complete name; Justinus Michael Irwin Ardyanto, born in Surabaya on July 22nd, 1981. Around 1996, he moved to Bekasi and there he started to know and play guitar, both electric and acoustic. at that time, he was also trying to participating in school-bands, unfortunately, it was going nowhere. He used to lock himself in his bedroom and entertain himself with his father’s tape-deck and shitty guitar. in 1999, Irwin moved to Yogyakarta to start his study at Sanata Dharma University. As he was doing his study there, he found lots of talented people who shared the same interests. at this year also he created bangkutaman along with Bayu, Acum (Wahyu Nugroho), and Deni. Later on, bangkutaman found the most definite sound and soul in the famous formation consisted of 3 people; Acum (vocal-bass), Irwin (backing vocal-guitars), and Dedyck (drums). They were really into the Stone Roses and Irwin was heavily influenced by John Squire and other indie/brit-pop guitar hero from U.K. Bangkutaman was known as folk-rock with acid atmosphere of madchester sounds band and Irwin was greatly represent the hard-rock side as he began to explore knowledge about Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page. As time goes by, Irwin became the lead-guitar and song-writer of bangkutaman. For 5 years, Irwin and bangkutaman had a great run but when it was 2005, everyone started to see things differently.
J. Irwin left bangkutaman and made a new project called Johnny & the Pistol Heroes. Irwin found psychedelic, blues, hard-rock, and virtuosity guitar style as the basic idea of Johnny & the Pistol Heroes. Johnny & the Pistol Heroes consists of Irwin (Guitars), Oka (Vocals), Gober (Bass), and Ali (Drums). Right now, Irwin is building his own studio called Townside Studio. He also works as a music correspondent for a campus magazine called “Dialogue” belongs to Sanata Dharma University. With his own studio, he makes songs for indie-films by J-Toku Community and also doing his solo project where he actually sings. Irwin also began to explore his knowledge on sound-engineering in his own home-studio which he got from Gembus, Ari Wulu, Kang Narko, and Ojie. Until today, Irwin still locks himself in a room (studio) with his guitar and sound-system, entertaining his mind and soul. |