- RELEASE DATE /5 Oktober 2009
- 01 Score by Liz Meets Jake Shorthand Phonetics
- 02 March 17th by Range Defective Shorthand Phonetics
- 03 Dipl. Link by My First Trumpet Shorthand Phonetics
- 04 The First Day of School by Emo Side Project Shorthand Phonetics
- 05 Candy Bar by Soft Pillow Kisses Shorthand Phonetics
- 06 I Won’t Let it Show that I Want to Make You Mine by Concrete Aluminum Shorthand Phonetics
- 07 Ratrace by Mule Shorthand Phonetics
- 08 Death in the Internet by Papa Onta Cult Shorthand Phonetics
- 09 I Have a Proof. The World is a Drop of Water Falling Slowly to It’s End by Cherly KaCherly Shorthand Phonetics
- 10 Love’s Not Only Joy (It’s Also Pain And Misery) by Kirsten Bride Shorthand Phonetics
- 11 Rachel Strayer / Robin Fleshman by Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start Shorthand Phonetics
- 12 Ignore by Bedroom Shorthand Phonetics
Production Notes
Compiled by Ababil Ashari of Shorthand Phonetics
For full detail about featured band infos, please download and read the booklet.
Liner Notes
A few days ago, Yes No Wave planned to released a mixtape project which invited musician or music fan to make their own mixtape. The main candidate was Ababil Ashari from Shorthand Phonetics. But, after some consideration, this mixtape project will become much more interesting if being released in podcast format. In this format, the mixtape will be compiled into one file and with the RSS feed support, all user can subscribe this release easily. Next, the release of this mixtape project will be published through Xeroxed.
“Short/headphone/tics: An Automusicological Mixtape by Shorthand Phonetics” is an artist mixtape curated by Ababil Ashari of indie rock songwriting outfit Shorthand Phonetics. This compilation seeks to identify Shorthand Phonetics’ musical influences and explain how specific strains of niche genres has influenced Shorthand Phonetics’ musical output.
The compilation features artists as diverse, but nonetheless influential to Shorthand Phonetics, as American emo/math-rock band Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start, Indonesian noise outfit Concrete Aluminum, Swedish lo-fi rockers Kirsten Bride to Israili bedroom electronica artist Cherly KaCherly.
Mixed into one cohesive listen, this is a mixtape made to be consumed from the first track to the final track uninterupted. This is a mixtape that analyses, deconstucts and explains the influences the music of Shorthand Phonetics. A must have for fans and music geeks alike!” (Ababil Ashari)