- RELEASE DATE /2 Juli 2009
- 01 “Yr #1 In My Mind, Jenna Fischer Analogue”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 02 “Starring Shinohara Yumi as Unity Telosio in SABER 2RD DESTINY: unity no chiryoku”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 03 “The Hardest Achievement”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 04 “Picture Day”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 05 “To the Girl I Think Might be Similar to the Girl Flight of the Conchords Were Thinking About When They Were Writing “The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)””, Shorthand Phonetics
- 06 “When I Ask for the Time, I’m Really Asking for Your Voice”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 07 “Fear and Loathing in Jikyoku-to”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 08 “Check Your Logic By the Door (Call Me When You Wanna Be Treated Like the Goddess That You Are, Tsubasa-chan.)”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 09 “Don’t Worry You’ll Roll a Twenty Eventually / A Fourth-Wall Shattering Intervention”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 10 “Natalies for Glasses IV (”Remember when I said, “Yes, joining Castle would be a very bad idea for me but I’m joining anyway,” and followed it up with a string of maniacal laughter while playing Mass Effect and I queued up “橙” by チャットモンチー and “One More Sad Song” by the All-American Rejects for you to hear? Look where it got us…look where it got her. I’m wanted to quit, by the way. But I won’t, I guess. Cause I love you guys! But I dunno…”)” and Shorthand Phonetics
- 11 “”This Might Be the Last Time We Ever Meet, So I Guess Now’s Probably the Perfect Moment to Say I’m Sorry…for Everything.” an A/U Firely fanfic by Hanabishi Hideaki.” Shorthand Phonetics
- 12 “Today Adam Gets His Hair Cut”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 13 “We’re All the Pirate Bay (Poorly Thought Out Elaboration Pop-Punk-Post-Hardcore-Whatever Version by Attention Deprived Indie “Band”)”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 14 “Miyuki’s Limited Crush on a University of Kyoto Med Student, a Musical Representation Of”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 15 “Gw Ngajak Cw Ntn Gw Debat Tp Ternyta Debatnya Gak Jd Jd Gak Pa-Pa Sih Sebenernya Uhh Soalnya Dia Jg Gak Jg Bs Dtg Jg…So It’s Cool Really…T.T”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 16 “Manic Depression (Is An Outdated Term…Yet It Sings Better)”. Shorthand Phonetics
Production Notes
All tracks by A. Ashari
except disc/folder 01 track 10 by A. Ashari/A. Alyanissa, disc/folder 02 track 2 by David Pagmar and disc/folder 02 track 3 by A. Ashari/V.L. Hidajat
Additional music and lyrics on disc/folder 02 track 2 by A. Ashari
Recorded in The Pink House and FK-UNPAD to a Compaq Presario V3500 (Jennifer) and a Labtec webcam mic, crudely edited Sonar 7 and conveniently compressed by FL Studio 7
Liner Notes
“Errors in Calculating Odds, Errors in Calculating Value” is the fourth full-length LP by lo-fi indie rock band Shorthand Phonetics. It was first debuted on the internet in its entirety on the 16th of May 2009. This LP was exclusively recorded into a webcam mic to a HP Compaq Presario V3500 using Cakewalk Sonar 7 and FL Studio. This LP was recorded between September 2008 and April 2009.
“Errors” is an eighty minute concept album that is an aural representation of the first draft of Hanabishi Hideaki’s debut novel, “Errors in Calculating Odds, Errors in Calculating Value”. The novel is a recounting of the events of Hide’s third year in Eiroku Medical School located in Jikyoku-to, Japan.
The thing about this first draft is that the names used in this first draft still retain it’s original inspiration. Hide is Hide, Tsubasa is Tsubasa, Miyuki is Miyuki and so on and so forth. Each song represents a chapter in the final draft of the novel, and it is supported by an excerpt from the final draft of the novel. It is hard to explain with words, so it is imparitive that the album is listened to while reading the booklet provided.
(Ababil Ashari)