- RELEASE DATE /16 Juni 2009
Production Notes
Composer: Mulie Addlecoat, Rege Luhur, Reza Sumendap, Ritchie Ned Hansel
Credits: All tracks recorded & mixed at Rosperk Studio by Donny.
Except track 5 recorded & mixed by Ritchie Ned Hansel
Except drum on track 5 recorded at Orange Studio.
All tracks arranged by Rege Luhur, Reza Sumendap & Ritchie Ned Hansel
All lyrics written by Mulie Addlecoat
Cover Illustration by Dibya Andi
Liner Notes
Tidak banyak band lokal yang memaknai guitarpop dalam kombinasi jangling dan shambling yang serasi. The Modest merupakan satu dari sedikit band yang mampu merangkai jalinan itu dengan harmonis. Corak sound sekilas mengingatkan akan veteran janglepop lokal, The Sastro. Tentu karena mereka memang punya korelasi personil dengan band tersebut. Namun tetap ada varian yang menggarisbawahi band ini. Terutama pada intonasi vokal maupun melodi gitarnya. Aksentuasi cockney bergerak serupa rentang intonasi Tommy Scott pada hentakan beat-nya. Mengalun pula dalam jangkauan falsetto dengan progresi gitar yang merangkumnya secara dinamis.
EP ini punya porsi 4 sehat 5 sempurna melalui keberagaman iramanya yang proporsional. Masing-masing corak terwakili oleh wilayah nada-nadanya. Tidak terjebak pada tipikal pola yang statis. Denting gitar dan petikan bass-nya cukup erat untuk melekat di anggukan kepala. Berpotensi besar untuk menjadi anthem bagi yang gemar menggagumi dirinya sendiri dengan pride seorang flamboyan yang selalu mengantungi sisir di saku celana.
Not many Indonesian local bands that interpret guitar pop by combining jangling and shambling in harmony. The Modest is one of them. In glimpses, their sound reminisced the now-defunct local jangle pop veteran, The Sastro. Most definitely because some of the band members came from there. But evidently there are new variants and twists that underline The Modest’s sound and music. Mainly in vocal intonation and the melody in guitar section. The cockney accent that are gushed in the manner of Tommy Scott’s intonation flows in range with every beats. While the falsetto comes in spectrum of the rhythm progression that merged dynamically.
This EP holds a good and balanced portion of proportionally diverse rhythm arrangement. Each tone is represented by the territory of the notes and tunes. Unrestrained from the typical static patterns. The bassline and guitar are conveniently catchy and will drive your head nodding to the beat. Holds a big potential to be an anthem for those who enjoys preening around with a flamboyant sense of pride and a comb in the back pocket. (Dimas Widiarto – Blossom Records)