- RELEASE DATE /30 Agustus 2008
- 01 Some Dude (Taught Me This Song During Form Two…I Think He May Have Ripped It Off From Somebody Else…But That Doesn’t Matter Now) Shorthand Phonetics
- 02 Goodbye Juria (Don’t Worry. It’s Treatable. Being a Bitch Though…There’s Nothing We Can Do About That) Shorthand Phonetics
- 03 Bow-Wow-Chikka-Wakka-Chikka-Wakka-Chikka-Wakka, Bow-Wow-Chikka-Wakka-Chikka-Wakka-Chikka-Wakka Shorthand Phonetics
- 04 Some Dude (Taught Me This Song During Form Two…I Think He May Have Ripped It Off From Somebody Else…But That Doesn’t Matter Now) [acoustic ver.] Shorthand Phonetics
- 05 Magic is Away for the Season Shorthand Phonetics
- 06 Budi’s Ass is Grass Shorthand Phonetics
- 07 Budi’s Triumph Shorthand Phonetics
- 08 Nature Lovers’ Military March Shorthand Phonetics
- 09 Search for My Next Top InfatuationSearch for My Next Top Infatuation Shorthand Phonetics
- 10 The Sale Shorthand Phonetics
- 11 Excerpt from “Flower Image Forever (Dance of the Second Choice)” Shorthand Phonetics
- 12 A Semi Deus Ex Machina Appears Shorthand Phonetics
- 13 When Women Congregate Shorthand Phonetics
- 14 When Women Congregate II Shorthand Phonetics
- 15 The Resolution Shorthand Phonetics
- 16 Excerpt from “The Academic Life” Shorthand Phonetics
Production Notes
Produser: Ababil Ashari
Semua lagu ditulis oleh Ababil Ashari
Direkam pada tahun 2007
Desain sampul oleh Ababil Ashari
Liner Notes
Tak mau kalah dengan toko buku bermutu yang nyambi jualan rekaman musik, kami menyuguhkan sebuah album yang berisikan ilustrasi musik sebuah film independen yang keseluruhan musiknya digarap oleh musisi kesayangan kami, Shorthand Phonetics! 1 lagu dari album ini yang berjudul When Women Congregate telah dirilis dalam kompilasi Music Beyond No Borders Vol. 2. Komposisi lagu dalam album ini lebih eklektik dibanding rekaman sebelumnya. Hal ini sepertinya telah dirancang sebelumnya untuk membangun komposisi yang sesuai dengan emosi dan nuansa pada narasi dan alur cerita film. Sutradara film ini menjadi orang yang sangat beruntung karena tak banyak produksi film indie yang ilustrasi musiknya digarap dengan sepantasnya seperti ini. (Wok The Rock)
We never want to leave behind from a qualified book store that also sold records.That’s why we present this album which contain an independent movie’s music score from our favourite musician, Shorthand Phonetics! One of the songs in this album, When Women Congregate, had been released in Music Beyond No Borders Vol.2 compilation. The songs composition in this album was more eclectic than the previous records. This character were designed to build a suitable composition with the emotion and the ambience in the film’s naration and storyline. This independent film director were very lucky to had a well-produced music score, when not many independent movie had it. (Wok The Rock)
Tak mau kalah dengan toko buku bermutu yang nyambi jualan rekaman musik, kami menyuguhkan sebuah album yang berisikan ilustrasi musik sebuah film independen yang keseluruhan musiknya digarap oleh musisi kesayangan kami, Shorthand Phonetics! 1 lagu dari album ini yang berjudul When Women Congregate telah dirilis dalam kompilasi Music Beyond No Borders Vol. 2. Komposisi lagu dalam album ini lebih eklektik dibanding rekaman sebelumnya. Hal ini sepertinya telah dirancang sebelumnya untuk membangun komposisi yang sesuai dengan emosi dan nuansa pada narasi dan alur cerita film. Sutradara film ini menjadi orang yang sangat beruntung karena tak banyak produksi film indie yang ilustrasi musiknya digarap dengan sepantasnya seperti ini. (Wok The Rock)
We never want to leave behind from a qualified book store that also sold records.That’s why we present this album which contain an independent movie’s music score from our favourite musician, Shorthand Phonetics! One of the songs in this album, When Women Congregate, had been released in Music Beyond No Borders Vol.2 compilation. The songs composition in this album was more eclectic than the previous records. This character were designed to build a suitable composition with the emotion and the ambience in the film’s naration and storyline. This independent film director were very lucky to had a well-produced music score, when not many independent movie had it. (Wok The Rock)