- RELEASE DATE /1 Juni 2008
Production Notes
Produced by Wedhar Riyadi
All tracks written and recorded by Wedhar Riyadi
Artwork by Wedhar Riyadi
All instruments played by Wedhar Riyadi
Liner Notes
Evily Candy Machine adalah sebuah proyek one-man electro band dari Wedhar Riyadi, gitaris Belajar Membunuh. Disini ia membuat komposisi ambience dan komponen soundscape menjadi sebuah adonan musik electronic dari alam bawah sadar. 6 track yang ada terdengar seolah-olah menyambung. Seperti soundtrack Wedhar yang bangun dari mimpinya yang absurd. Saya harus menyebutnya lagi, sebuah fantasi seorang bedroom musician yang ingin menceritakan tentang mimpinya. (Bagus Jalang)
Rilisan kali ini disertai video musik besutan Eko Nugroho dari The Daging Tumbuh, selain itu juga akan segera dirilis CDr dengan kemasan handmade artwork sebanyak 15 keping!
Evily Candy Machine is a one-man electro band project from Wedhar Riyadi, the guitarist of Belajar Membunuh and a young emerging visual artist from Indonesia. In this album, he blended an ambience composition and soundscape component into a mixture of electronic music from unconscious mind. 6 track had sounds like related each other with certain continuity. It’s like a soundtrack for Wedhar who had awakened from his absurd dream. I have to mentioned it again, the album was a fantasy of bedroom musician who wants to told his dreams. (Bagus Jalang)
This release features a music video directed by Eko Nugroho from The Daging Tumbuh. This will be also released as CDr with original artwork from the artist, only 15 copies in 15 different artworks!