- RELEASE DATE /1 September 2007
- 01 "Chivalry Is Lost on Some People", Shorthand Phonetics
- 02 ”Your Name is Fujioka Tsubasa, Right?…Oh Yeah Forgot to Introduce Myself, I’m Hanabishi Hideaki! Nice to Meet You.”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 03 “New Adventures in Meta Songwriting”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 04 “Love Is Evol Spelled Backwards (Bet I Can Beat Your “Final Fantasy X” Completion Time…If I Actually Had a Playstation 2 That Is)”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 05 “Luck, Is All. (^.^;)”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 06 “The She’s Got What She Needed From Me Waltz”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 07 “Yes in the Morning, No in the Evening”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 08 “My Alice Can Kill You, My Alice Can Kill You Dead”, Shorthand Phonetics
- 09 "Natalies for Glasses II (Yesterday I Found a Needlessly Long List of All the Obvious Pros and Masochistic Cons of Never Seeing You Girls Again I Made In One of My Old Notebooks, Realised How Stupid Making That List Was, and Gained Confidence to Slow Down. Takk.)" and Shorthand Phonetics
- 10 “It’s Not That She Is Nothing, It’s Just That She’s Not Everything” Shorthand Phonetics
Production Notes
Shorthand Phonetics
Produser: Ababil Ashari
Semua lagu ditulis oleh Ababil Ashari
Direkam pada tahun 2007
Desain sampul oleh Ababil Ashari
Dirilis ulang oleh Yes No Wave Music
Liner Notes
Kami mengira-ngira: anak-anak muda kelahiran tahun 80-an biasanya menganggap tahun 90-an adalah kultus tersendiri, dalam selera musik khususnya. Shorthand Phonetics merupakan jejak dari hipotesis tersebut, namun dibuat di masa yang sekontemporer mungkin. Melalui analogi itu, kami akan menggulirkan beberapa keywords untuk album konsep ini: 90’s, fidelitas rendah, sloppy, Guided by Voices, dan Atom & His Package. Atau apapun, karena nampaknya 10 tracks di album ini menyatakan bahwa kata kunci di sana masih terasa terlalu dangkal. Further, waspadalah, album ini akan menjadi album favorit Lou Barlow di tahun ini. We wish. (Gembi)
Deskripsi rekaman dari Ababil Ashari:
“Apparently…I’m In Medicine / Love, or the Illusion of the Beginning Symptoms of It” is the second full-length LP by lo-fi indie rock band Shorthand Phonetics. It was released on the internet in May of 2007. Like the previous LP “Fanfiction”, this was also recorded into a webcam mic to a NEC Versa E680. Sonar Home Studio 4 was used extensively for production and FL Studio 6 was chosen for post production and mastering.
“Medicine / Love” is a fifty-three minute concept album that narrates the life of Hanabishi Hideaki, a Japanese first-year medical student in Eiroku University, as he transistions into a new semi-independent life away from the troubles of High School (documented in the first LP “Fanfiction”. Specifically “Medicine” explores the first six months of his med-school experiance. Unexpectedly for him, Hanabishi runs into the same problems he that has hounded him since High School especially concerning the opposite sex. the opposite sex.