- RELEASE DATE /08 January 2014
Production Notes
Copyleft 2014 Tsefula/Tsefuelha Records
Shorthand Phonetics is Ababil Ashari (vox, guitar, bass, programming)
Track by A. Ashari
Cover art modified from a photograph entitled “Girl With Wine” by Ondřej Lipár
Photograph are used under the Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
Produced, mixed and mastered by Ababil Ashari
Recorded at The Madrid Estate
Dedicated to Catherine and Caroline
Liner Notes
“Catherine and Caroline” is the newest single by Shorthand Phonetics in 2014. This single represents a short story Hanabishi Hideaki wrote and filed away in the “incomplete” folder on his computer. You may interpret it as a hidden feeling of a woman to a woman or a friend left alone, this song opens to any fantasy you can imagine in your head. Though it may seems morose, the tune is somewhat refreshing and never near gloomy. It represents the fluctuating atmosphere of waiting.